Our Products

With our natural products you can taste the flavours of the past rediscovered and mixed with the new culinary methods.

You can purchase our products here!



We mainly produce soft fruits (berries), in particular blackberries, raspberries and redcurrants.

We also produce:

        * walnuts

       * olives

       * vegetables

       * fruits of the past – rowan, jujube

       * aromatic crops




In our processing laboratory we make:


       * jams/marmalades

       * vegetable spreads

       * ready-(hand) made pasta sauces

       * vegetables pickled in oil

       * vegetables pickled in vinegar


Thanks to our new machine that is suitable for different productions, in our lab we make products that preserve the organoleptic properties of fruit and vegetables and their alimentary integrity.



O & O Società Agricola Semplice -  P.IVA 01076520574 - Contrada Sala n. 5 - Via Rocchette - 02044 Forano (RI)
Tel./fax: +39 0765-515008 - Cell: +39 347-0565540 - info@stellaeilgrillo.com